AWS Lambda URL

Waq Ahmed
2 min readDec 12, 2021


That’s a big news that AWS finally considering to provide the URL for lambda directly, so the function can directly be invoked by the browser without needing any intermediate API Gateway

Lambda URL

Lambda offers built-in HTTP(S) endpoint support for functions with function URLs. You can add and configure a function URL through the Lambda console or the Lambda API. When you configure a function URL, Lambda automatically generates a unique URL endpoint for you. Function URL endpoints have the following format:


Lambda function URLs allow developers to easily get access to HTTP URLs that can invoke their function. Instead of having to go and link your function to an API gateway endpoint and configure all the settings, the function URL now comes as default.

Lambda function are great way to write the code for RESTAPI however it was difficult for developers to generate the URL. They have to learn the API Gateway and deploy the api to get the URL to invoke function. which was the big pain. Thanks to AWS for considering this as per demand and introduce the Lambda URL.


I’m really excited about this announcement and looking for this feature in near future, however this news is still a bit slim as it was revealed in a thread by folks in redit. Seems like the documentation were released before the re-invent and AWS has archived the document as soon as it came to highlight however the archive version can still be found here. I will write another article when feature is officially released :)



Waq Ahmed

I’m an DevOps Engineer and have keen interest and experienced in Cloud Computing, Docker, Kubernetes, and InfraStructure provisioning tool